Starting With The Receptionist

Yes, you have a marketing department, or you bring in marketing consultants. But they won’t do you much long-term good until everyone in the company, from the receptionist to the managing director understands their own personal place in marketing the business.

Help your staff to get away from the idea that marketing is only about brochures and advertising. Marketing — at its core — is about building successful long-term relationships with clients and about satisfying their needs profitably.

That’s why the receptionist is one of your key marketing specialists. Because, for many of your clients, the receptionist is the first person an incoming caller will talk to. They will create the first impression, and we all know how important that is.

Everyone else in the business needs to get on board with marketing too. Whether they work on site or in the office, whatever they do for a client or say to a client can affect that relationship for good or bad. Good relationships are good marketing, and make for good business. If they are positive and helpful, that goes a long way.

If you want long-term profitable business, change the way your staff think about marketing. They are all involved.